Rare Moist White Mulberries

Order at the link here: https://therawfoodworld.com/product-category/at-cost/

Now, dont get me wrong, all dried White Mulberries are literally one of the best dried fruits on the planet.

However, every rare once in awhile, a good season comes around with good rainfall before the harvest and during the growing season. The result is that it produces the best White Mulberries on the planet. Today we have the best, very rare, extremely moist White Mulberries for you! I literally havent seen a crop like this in probably 5-10 years.

I actually have two different sources where I have the ability to get White Mulberries from, and one of them sent me this sample to show me how moist theirs were. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got the sample.

Normally, white mulberries are more white looking and dry. The regular dry and white mulberries still taste incredibly good, are super healthy to eat, and they taste incredible. However, they are nothing compared to these super moist ones that we have for you today.

So, right now, I have this rare batch of White Mulberries that are literally dark, because of how moist and chewy they are.

On top of all this, we have them 'At-Cost' for only $10.95 each when you get a 3-pack. It doesn't get better than this!

White mulberries are rich in several important nutrients, includingfiber, vitamin C, iron, lutein and zeazanthin. At the USDA website here: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169913/nutrients, it shows that one cup (140 grams) of raw white mulberries contains 2.6mg of Iron, 10.9 mcg of Vitamin K, and 190 mcg of Lutein and Zeazanthin. Click that USDA link to get the full nutritional breakdown. Tt's quite impressive. Keep in mind that for dried white mulberries, it would be less than one cup to get these nutrition levels due to how dense they are.

As seen at the studies at these two links below: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33572374/, and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29883416/, it shows that white mulberries are rich in various cancer-fighting antioxidants, includingflavonoids, alkaloids, and phenolic acids.

As usual, these White Mulberries are one simple ingredient with nothing else added. They are free of Sulfites and all other preservatives just like every other dried fruit on our website.

We have both kinds of White Mulberries 'At-Cost' for you today. Make sure to purchase the ones that say Rare Moist White Mulberries in the title if you want the crazy dark moist ones.

To get these very rare, moist White Mulberries or the regular ones at only $10.95 each when you get a 3-pack, click the link below:
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