Raw Banana Rolls/Bird's Nest, a starter, a sure winner/Stuffed with nutrition, Party menu, a hit! | Sujan Fun Kitchen

Sujan Fun Kitchen is in Navratri mood! Here's a starter or a snack with is made of Raw Banana and very interesting as it's shaped like Bird's nest and very nutritious and it's full of lentils.



Cooked bananas – 2 Big

Crushed black pepper - to taste

Cooked peas –1/2 cup

Broken vermicelli – 1 cup

Salt – as required

Red chilli powder – 1 ½ tsp

Green chilli paste – 1 tsp

Coriander leaves – 2 Tbl. Sp

Amchur powder– ¼ tsp

Oil – for frying
Lemon. juice - to taste


Make into paste:

Maida – 1 Tbl.sp

Corn flour – 1 Tbl.sp

Water – ¼ cup


1.                      Peel outer skin from cooked bananas and mash well without any lumps.

2.                      Add salt, red chilli powder, chilli paste, coriander leaves amchur powder and mix well.

3.                      Heat little oil and splutter jeera

4.                      Add cooked peas, salt, crushed pepper and lemon juice

5.                      Fry till moisture is absorbed and remove from fire.

6.                      Make medium sized balls from banana mixture.

7.                      Make a dent and keep little peas stuffing inside.

8.                      Close and seal well properly.

9.                      Shape like an egg, dip in Maida paste and roll on vermicilli bits.

10.              Chill for ½ an hour.

11.              Deep fry in hot oil till crisp and brown.

12.              Just before serving cut them diagonally and arrange on a plate of coriander leaves or cabbage leaves.

13.              Serve hot with tomato ketchup
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