Saffron Cappuccino | How To Make Cappuccino At Home Without Coffee Machine By Chef Harpal Singh | chefharpalsingh

Saffron Cappuccino
Saffron Cappuccino a perfect cup of cappuccino with all the health benefits made with jaggery & saffron is going to blow your mind with the feel of freshness & energetic. Check out the recipe below to give a try:-

Ingredient Quantity
Saffron ½ Gm.
Water ¼ Cup
Jaggery grated 2 tbsp.
Milk ½ Cup
Whipped Cream for garnish
Cinnamon powder pinch

1. In mortal pestle grind the saffron and keep it aside.

2. Heat water in a pan, add jaggery and mix well till jaggery

3. Add pinch of saffron in jaggery water and mix well.

4. Pour jaggery water equally in serving cups and keep it aside.

5. Heat milk in same pan.

6. When milk is hot, take out 2 tbsp. of milk in small bowl, add
pinch of saffron and keep it aside.

7. When milk is boiling, add pinch of saffron in a pan and mix

8. Remove from heat, put it in a jar and whisk gradually to make a

9. Pour foam milk in prepared cup, garnish with whipped cream
and soaked saffron on top.

10. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder and Serve hot.

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