Schezwan Fried Rice Recipe in Telugu Quick Lunch Box

Ching's Secret range of Chinese masalas, Soups, Instant Noodles, Sauces, Schezwan Chutney, and Hakka Noodles is available on Bigbasket and Flipkart.

Schezwan Fried Rice, As school begins, children will love having a variety of foods in their lunch boxes, such as this healthy, simple, and delicious recipe for schezwan fried rice. Everyone enjoys Chinese food, and children will enjoy it with an Indian flavor to it.

Easy, healthy, and simple lunch box recipe for kids, as they enjoy eating Chinese.
Take veggies of our choice, Chings Schezwan Fried Rice Masala that all we need along with some steamed rice.
Heat a pan with 3 Tbsp of Oil, and add finely chopped vegetables of our choice, I am adding Capsicum, Carrot, and Beans.
Green peas can be added if they are available along with Cabbage and Cauliflower.
After adding the veggies, fry them for 3 minutes on high flame, add some Sweet Corn and let saute for 2 minutes.
Mix them all well, add cooked Rice, and mix.
Then add Chings Schezwan Fried Rice Masala and mix.
Ready tasty and yummy Schezwan Fried Rice, a surprising recipe that can be made in minutes, instantly.
Adjust the taste if needed.
Can be served with some Chings Red Chili Sauce if you prefer eating spicy as I do it as My husband likes spicy food.

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