好吃的米粉秘诀 Secret of delicious rice vermicelli | Emilee's Kitchen 愛米丽厨房

Rice vermicelli also called beehun / bihun is not easy to cook. They are always lack of flavour. However, in this video, I am showing you the secret of cooking it - with canned stewed pork. Even if you don't know how to cook, you can make it to surprise your family, your girl friend, your boy friend, your hubby, your wifey.

米粉说实在的还真不是很容易炒,尤其好吃的米粉更是不容易。但是这个视频里的秘诀- 扣肉,就可以做到。超级简单啦。厨房小白也可以煮出好吃的炒米粉。快点来学一学,让你的家人, 你的男友, 你的女友,你的老公,你的老婆对你改观。哈哈
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