Simple No Bake Granola Bars

These No Bake Granola Bars are simple to make but also simple in ingredients.

For fussy kids, granola bars packed with lots of ingredients can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. This recipe keeps the bars simple and uncomplicated, whilst still being healthy and filling.

- 100g oats
- 75g granola
- 60g coconut oil or butter
- 100g peanut butter
- 3 tbsp honey

Makes 8 large or 16 small bars. The peanut butter can be substituted for sunflower butter for anyone with a nut allergy.


Hello! I'm Ciara a food blogger at My Fussy Eater where I share lots of healthy eating recipes the whole family will enjoy, along with the odd indulgent treat! I also share my top tips for dealing with picky eaters.

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