Sitaphal Phirni | सीताफल फ़िरनी | Custard Apple Rice Pudding | Phirni Recipe | #Chefharpalsingh | chefharpalsingh

This delicious creamy phirni is made using fresh custard apple.

Sitaphal Phirni
Ingredient Quantity
Custard apple (Shitaphal) 3 no.
Soaked Rice 3-4 tbsp
Milk 750 ml.
Sugar 4-5 tbsp
Green cardamom powder 1 tsp
Cashew nuts slice 1 tbsp
Almond slice 1 tbsp
Pistachio slice 1 tbsp
1. Place a strainer on a bowl, Break sitaphal into halves, scoop out all the pulp and mash them
well, seeds will get separated from the pulp. Keep it aside.
2. Grind the soaked rice coarsely and keep it aside.
3. Heat a pan on medium heat, add milk and coarsely grind rice, mix well and stir continuously
for about 12-15 min. or till rice gets cooked and the mixture thickens.
4. After 10 min. add sugar, mix well and cook for 5 min.
5. When the mixture reaches the desired consistency switch off heat and remove the pan from
heat and stir continuously till mixture is cool down.
6. Add cardamom powder and mix well.
7. Meanwhile dry roast the cashew nuts and almond for 1 min.
8. Add half roasted cashew nuts, almond and pistachio and mix well.
9. Add the custard apple pulp and mix well.
10. Pour into kasore, garnish with remaining cashew nut, almond and pistachio on top and

#SitaphalPhirni #QuickPhirniRecipe #CustardAppleRicePudding

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