Sitaphal/Custard Apple Basundi In 15 Minutes | Indian Mom's Kitchen

Sitaphal Basundi is a fresh fruit sweet that is really very delicious. Let me show how to make Custard Apple Basundi in just 15 minutes.

1/2 litre Full Cream Milk
4 tbsp blanched and chopped Nuts
2 tsp Cornflour
4 tbsp Sugar
4 tbsp Breadcrumbs
1 cup deseeded Custard Apple (Sitafal)

-- Deseed 2 ripe Sitaphals.
-- Prepare Breadcrumbs with 2 slices of Bread.
-- In a bowl take Cornflour, add water, mix well and keep aside.
-- Boil Milk, add Sugar and cook for 2 minutes.
-- Pour the prepared Cornflour into the Milk and cook for 2 minutes.
-- Add Breadcrumbs and mix well.
-- Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
-- Next add the deseeded Sitaphal and chopped nuts and mix well.
-- To thicken the Basundi more, half the quantity of Sitaphal can be ground to a paste and added to the Milk.
-- Custard Apple or Sitafal Basundi is ready.
-- Serve chilled.
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