Strangely PERFECT Chicken and Waffles... Made Without the Chicken

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I wanted to make chicken and waffles... its a fun favorite of mine that I normally make with my jackfruit chicken (video below) But after making the awesome mushroom sandwich from Cafe Gratitude I thought could mushrooms be a good chicken replacement for chicken and waffles. is that weird? Does a sweet mushroom and waffles make sense.
Lets find out, I think its going to be REALLY good!!

Jackfruit and waffles

Mushroom Sandwich

Making Vegan Meat - The plant based food science cook book available now

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The goal of SauceStache is to continue trying something new, something new to me and something different.
I find inspirations from you the SauceSquad and my constant hunt of social media to see what food is being made around the globe and how can I try to make it. Lets try to make some food and have fun!!
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