Strawberry Malai Toast Valentines Day Special Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi

This #valentinesday make an Interesting #breakfast

Strawberry Malai Toast
Ingredient Quantity
Strawberry 6-8 No. + 2-3 No.
Sugar 3 Tbsp + 2 Tbsp
Custard powder 2 Tbsp
Milk 1 Cup + 1 cup
Water 1 Cup
Butter 1 Tbsp + 1 Tbsp
Bread slice 5 No.

1. Cut the strawberry and place it in grinder jar and grind coarsely.
2. Remove in kadai, add sugar, mix well and cook for 4-5 min.
3. Meanwhile take custard powder in bowl, add milk and water and mix well. Keep it aside.
4. Remove the strawberry mixture in bowl and keep it aside.
5. Put the custard mixture in same kadai, mix well and cook for 6-8 min. or until mixture is thick.
6. Add sugar, mix well and cook for 2 min.
7. Add butter and mix well. Keep it aside.
8. Take bread slice, apply strawberry mixture on it.
9. Placed the bread slice on heated kadai and toast it from the both side till light brown in color.
10. Remove and cut the edges and toast again from all the side till brown in color.
11. Add butter and toast again form both the side.
12. Add milk, mix well and flip the bread toast and cook till all milk is absorb.
13. Switch off the flame and keep it aside.
14. Slice the strawberries and keep it aside.
15. Take serving bowl; add strawberry mixture, then place the Malai toast on top.
16. Add prepared custard on top of Malai toast.
17. Add strawberry mixture on top of custard.
18. Arrange the strawberry slice on top and serve.

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