Surti Coco | Hot Chocolate | Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi | chefharpalsingh

A delicious chocolate drink of surat that will make your summers Chocolaty.

Surti Coco

Ingredient Quantity
Full fat Milk 2 ½ cup
Milk powder 1 cup
Sugar ½ cup
Millet Flour (Nachni Atta) 2 Tbsp
Water as required
ice as required
Coco powder ¼ cup
Chocolate 6-8 cubes
Raisins 1 tbsp + for garnish
Chocolate balls for garnish
Walnut chopped for garnish.

1. Heat milk in a pan; add milk powder and Wisk well.
2. Take nachni atta and water in bowl and mix well. Keep it aside.
3. Add sugar in milk, mix well and cook for 5 min.
4. Add coco powder, Wisk well and bring to boil.
5. Add nachni atta mixture little at a time and Wisk well.
6. Switch of the flame and add chocolate and raisins and mix well.
7. Strain the mixture in a bowl and Wisk well. Keep it aside to cool down.
8. Take ice in blander jar and grind it.
9. Put the crush ice in serving glass, pour the prepared surti coco on it and mix it well.
10. Garnish with raisins, walnut and chocolate balls on top and serve.
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