Tandoori chicken recipe No Oven needed How to make tandoori chicken

Tandoori chicken recipe - Learn to make delicious tandoori chicken at home all without even a oven.

This recipe uses thick curd or hung curd. If you use normal curd then the marinade will turn runny. While roasting the chicken you will end up with lot of moisture in the pan. All the masala will come off to the pan.

So use hung curd. Here are steps to make it.
Line a muslin cloth over a bowl. Pour 1 cup curd to it. Wring the cloth and make a knot. Squeeze gently to remove all the dripping water.

Hang the cloth to a hook. Leave it for 45 mins. you will get thick curd. Use it in the recipe. Alternately you can use greek yogurt.

Tandoori chicken is a famous grilled chicken from Indian cuisine. In the earlier days it was made in clay ovens which were known as Tandoor.

Foods that were grilled in the tandoor oven were very aromatic and flavorful.

In the modern days, most people tandoori chicken in oven. But not many homes own oven in India as most of the cooking happens on the stove.

This recipe will help you to make soft, tender, spicy and delicious tandoori chicken.

For detailed recipe, visit my blog

Music courtesy : https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento
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