Test Kitchen: Royale with Cheese

"You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?"
"They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?"
"No, man, they got the metric system there, they wouldn't know what the f*ck A Quarter Pounder is."
"What'd they call it?"
"They call it Royale with Cheese."
"Royale with Cheese. What'd they call a Big Mac?"
"Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it Le Big Mac."

In this episode Mikel Anthony cooks up an Impossible Burger and pays homage to Pulp Fiction. Made in partnership with Impossible Foods.

FULL RECIPE: https://chefsroll.com/xapp/xrecipes/test-kitchen-royale-cheese


by: Chef Mikel Anthony (@mikel_anthony)
: Cast Iron Culinary (@ciculinary)

featuring the Impossible Burger (@impossible_foods)
#perfectlyplated on Front of the House - FOH, Inc. (@fohinc)
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