The Perfect Poke Bowl | Guy Turland | Tastemade

Looking for a healthy and quick lunch or dinner idea? Look no further: Guy's poke bowl is the perfect dish for you.

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1lb sushi-grade tuna or salmon, diced 1 cm
1 chilli, minced
1 lemon, rind
2 green shallots, sliced
1 ginger
2 garlic, minced
½ cup soy sauce
1 tbsp white sesame oil
Pinch sea salt
2 tsp white sesame seeds, toasted

1 cup Quinoa
2 cups Vegetable stock
1 Thyme
1 Garlic
1cube Ginger

1 avocado
1 x sheet nori seaweed
1 x tbs sesame seeds
½ x cup poke
½ x cup quinoa


Poke: Mix all ingredients in a bowl, season and let sit for at least 30 minutes

Quinoa: Rinse quinoa under water in a strainer for 5 minutes, washing away any leftover quinoa dust that will make the cooked quinoa gluggy.

To cook quinoa place water, ginger, garlic, thyme and quinoa in a pot on a medium heat cover and cook till comes to boil, then turn down to low for 15 min or till quinoa becomes translucent, fold through turmeric and let cool.

Assembly: Slice avocado and make into a ring, fill with cooked quinoa.
Top with poke.

Garnish with seaweed and sesame seeds.

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