Tomato Soup Freshly made - no tinned ingredients, no fancy seasonings! Refreshing Tomato Soup! | Sujan Fun Kitchen

Tomato soup, easy and healthy


Tomatoes - 7 or 8

Carrots - 1 or 2 onions - 5 or 6

Crushed pepper - to taste

Salt to taste

Sugar - Optional (to taste)

Butter -  2 bsp

Maida/all-purpose flour - 1 tsp


Chop all the vegetables roughly

Pressure cook to boil them - 5 or 6 whistles in cooker

When the boiled vegetables reach room temperature, grind to a pulp in a blender

Heat some butter in a pan and fry the maida/all-purpose flour

Now, add the pureed vegetables to the pan and allow cooking

Add salt and crushed black pepper

Add water to adjust consistency of the soup

Sugar can be added to enhance taste

Enjoy the hot Tomato Soup with toasted bread
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