Traditional Turkish Stew (Etli Trl / Gve) With Vegan Option

Turkish Stew is a traditional dish in Turkish cuisine. With its healthy cooking method, it is easy to make and combines all the flavors in one pot. You can make it eighter with or without meat, only with vegetables. Traditionally it is cooked in a clay pot or earthenware as we call "guve" (guvech) in Turkey. But you can definitely make it in a cast-iron or stainless steel pan too.
Ingredients for Turkish Stew Etli Trl:
500gr. cubed beef or lamb (If you use lamb don't precook it)
1 big onion
2 of each potato, zucchini, carrot, eggplant
3 tomatoes
3-5 cloves of garlic
a big handful of green beans
(you can add green peas if you prefer)
salt to taste
about 1 cup hot water

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