Ultimate Sour Patch Kids International Taste Test

Sour Patch Kids were my favorite as a kid and today I'm going to taste a bunch of international flavors to see how that compare with the US originals.

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: emmymade extras: https://www.youtube.com/emmymadeextras

Whatcha Eating Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dy_B2oVqXk&list=PLkUFQm9t2lDXIjdM8k50NFd_OiWA5pePB

Emmy Eats (International Candy Tasting) Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC1PrvN3AZE&list=PLkUFQm9t2lDWjbSgi2v18eF8HsVGN0pUi

I purchased these from Galactic Snacks: https://buysnacksonline.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwlumhBhClARIsABO6p-z0xzOeryPZMtjURLUtYnTtcI1Fa6Lh5-1CqWKRIMGugmzjcLnsQcsaAgAyEALw_wcB.

00:00 Intro
0:08 What are we tasting?
1:04 What is ppeongtwigi?
1:17 How is it made?
1:42 Fruit-shaped Trix?
2:48 Big bowl of balls.
3:09 Captain Crunch storytime.
3:30 Taste test.
5:20 Mini Trix.
7:12 With milk.
8:28 An experiment.
9:16 Fruit-shaped Trix.

This video is NOT sponsored. Just tasting munching a bunch of Sour Patch Kids.

Some of the above links are Amazon affiliate links from which I receive a small commission on each sale at no extra cost to you. Thanks so much for the support.

Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound, and 'Sprightly' from iMovie. You've made it to the end -- welcome! Comment: "Just thinking of them makes my mouth water."
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