Vegetable Salad Recipes * Spinach Salad Recipe * Cabbage Recipes * Corn Salad Recipe

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Spinach Cabbage Bell Pepper Corn Salad
& a Tomato Celery Dill Leek Lemon
Low Calorie Salad Dressing Recipe

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
For the SALAD:
2 bunches Spinach
1/2 head Cabbage, roughly chopped into large chunks
2 Red Bell Peppers, roughly chopped into large chunks
2 cobs of Corn, raw

3 Tomatoes, roughly chopped
2 stalks Celery, roughly chopped
1/8 - 1/4 cup dried Dill (or fresh if available!)
1 Leek, roughly chopped
1 Lemon

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) For the salad, set up your food processor with its chopper blade and then run the spinach through, followed by the roughly chopped chunks of cabbage and bell peppers; transfer everything to a large salad bowl

2) Slice the raw corn off of the cobs, and roughly fold into the other ingredients in your salad bowl.

3) For the dressing, toss the dried dill and roughly chopped tomatoes, celery and leek into your Vita-Mix blender, or other high-powered blender of your choice.

4) Use a manual citrus juicer or a citrus hand juicer to squeeze the juice of the lemon into the Vitamix as well.

5) Blend until desired consistency is reached.

6) Drizzle over salad or offer on the side, and enjoy! ;-)

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
CONTEXT is always important. If using a food processor to quickly chop up your salad is going to make or break you having salad, then please use the food processor without guilt! It's not like you are doing something that couldn't be done w/ your bare hands (such as heat it or chemically alter it). You MUST remember to have fun on your healthy raw food and/or "fruit and vegetable" path! Leave all dogma, except for this requirement to have fun! ;)

I want to express again how absolutely *honored* I am that you're watching these videos, are getting things out of it & are improving your life. Me starting this channel literally came out of me just one day daring myself to make a video and put it up on YouTube playing the part of a raw food teacher! Ignore the actual stats I through out in this video, as Krista looked up the facts (that is why I need her, as I'm a space cadet when it comes to numbers and stuff!). She says that it looks like I uploaded my first vid on 4/22/09 and that at first I averaged about 1 comment a day total on all of my videos combined. After a couple of months of that, Krista got on board around the beginning of July & that is when things really began to take off: Her adding in text in the info sections, as well as tags & various keywords allowed more people like you to find these videos when you needed them.

So Krista & I are just having a blast now, us knowing that people like you are into watching & learning from these vids...and most importantly are also into keeping things lighthearted & fun...and are not taking anything TOO seriously. ;)

I've fanatically studied health for many years & have simply witnessed that people tend to get healthy the quickest & the easiest simply by eating & drinking more fruits & vegetables, while simultaneously cutting out as much meat & dairy animal products as possible! It's that simple.

I have nothing against meat and dairy products per se, it's just that when they are removed from the diet then all of these health problems seem to just magically go away: Cholesterol goes down, excess weight is lost, etc. Perhaps for you you will find having some eggs now and then (raw or cooked) is balancing for you. Krista wanted to share here that for the last few months she was in NYC, she was having eggs every morning for breakfast just so she could feel "grounded, albeit in an unnatural lifestyle" and survive until she could get out of NYC and be reconnected with Mother Nature. Once she left NYC, she didn't 'need' the eggs anymore. So the context to keep in mind here is that the more natural you can make your own environment...via increasing things like fresh air, exposure to the sun, exercise, healthy home and work environments, then the easier and more 'automatic' will eating raw fruits and vegetables become.

I don't mean to be immodest, but this dressing turned out to be off the hook! :D

Fruit or a green juice for breakfast, followed by a green juice or fruit for lunch, and lastly a salad for works for me...but you be the judge! Always remember to simplify your eating more & more...your mind, body & digestion will be thanking you! ...and always remember that I really, really, really cherish this time with you. :D

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Love, Dan
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