Vegetarian Mock Eel Rice Bowl / Unadon (Imitation Unagi no Kabayaki Recipe) なんちゃってうな丼の作り方 (レシピ) | ochikeron

This is a perfect substitute for those who want to enjoy the eel bowl :)

Eggplants look just like eels! Juicy and tender eggplants go great with white rice!!!

BTW, my mom's eggplant dish I mentioned in this video is here:

Vegetarian Mock Eel Bowl

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 30min
Number of servings: 1

2 eggplants
eel sauce
* 1 tbsp. soy sauce
* 1 tbsp. Mirin (sweet Sake)
* 1 tbsp. sugar
* 1 tsp. Sake
1 bowl of rice
Kizaminori (finely shredded Nori seaweed sheet)
Sansho Japanese pepper if you like

1. Make a few holes in the eggplants so that they won't explode. Make an incision around the stem end.
2. Place them directly on a stove on a baking rack if you have (or in a frying pan, grill, oven, or toaster oven), then roast until the skins get wrinkly and tender inside. You can also wrap in plastic wrap and microwave at 600w for 2 minutes.
3. Cool until you can handle them, then remove the skins. Make an incision lengthwise and open.
4. Heat the eel sauce in a frying pan until it begins to bubble. Place the eggplants and cook until the liquid is gone.
5. Serve cooked rice in a rice bowl, layer some Kizaminori (finely shredded Nori seaweed sheet), place the eggplants, then sprinkle with Sansho Japanese pepper if you like.


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