Wild Edible Plants in Spring

Springtime is a great time to get out there and find out what wild edibles can be foraged (see links below)! In this video we learn how to identify common edible wild plants in the early spring such as:

- Lamb's quarters (https://www.ediblewildfood.com/lambs-quarters.aspx)
- Burdock (https://www.ediblewildfood.com/search-results.aspx?s1=burdock)
- Chickweed (https://www.ediblewildfood.com/search-results.aspx?s1=chickweed)
- Motherwort (https://www.ediblewildfood.com/search-results.aspx?s1=motherwort)

#springwildedibles #foraging #wildfood
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