Lecture of cooking by various person, Japan. [20180108]. subtitle: 冬野菜のあったかおかず「干し白菜のしょうが炒め」.
Lecture of cooking by various person, Japan. [20180109]. subtitle: 冬野菜のあったかおかず「かぶと鶏肉の和風ポトフ」.
Easy Lesson of Cooking of Japanese dishes. [20180108]. subtitle: 「うまみのある煮物に 鶏肉」.
Easy Lesson of Cooking of Japanese dishes. [20180109]. subtitle: 「コクを引き出して 豚肉」.
Lecture of cooking by various person, Japan. [20180104]. subtitle: 「もち七変化!人気レシピベスト3」.
Easy Lesson of Cooking of Japanese dishes. [20180104]. subtitle: 「やさしい味でヘルシー!うどん」.
Lecture of cooking by various person, Japan. [20171228]. subtitle: 生放送「COOK9」.
Lecture of cooking by various person, Japan. [20171227]. subtitle: 程一彦&白井操の楽しいごはんの時間「決定版!マイベストおせち」.
Easy Lesson of Cooking of Japanese dishes. [20171227]. subtitle: 「つくりたい!定番の洋食」.
Easy Lesson of Cooking of Japanese dishes. [20171228]. subtitle: 「ぽかぽかシンプル鍋」.