Teaching Kids to Eat Healthy: Why we Should "Eat the Rainbow"

Teaching Kids to Eat Healthy: Why we Should "Eat the Rainbow"

Katie Kimball, the voice of healthy kids cooking and a mom of 4, flexes her teacher muscles in this short video made for kids ages 4-12. It's a challe...

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Teaching Kids to Cook May Help Prevent Anxiety and Depression

Teaching Kids to Cook May Help Prevent Anxiety and Depression

My friend recently told me about how her son, who had struggled with debilitating anxiety, was doing starting a new school year. With awe in her voi...

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Teach Kids to Cook: Mudballs, Easy Healthy Allergy-Friendly Snack HPC: E08

Teach Kids to Cook: Mudballs, Easy Healthy Allergy-Friendly Snack HPC: E08

What kid wouldn't want to eat mud for fun? :) Want a little peek into my real kitchen? In our course we borrow someone else's beautiful kitchen, hav...

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