Golden Chicken Salad

Golden Chicken Salad

1. Poach the chicken breasts in two cups of boiling salted water.

2. Drain the chicken breasts and then allow to cool completely.

3. In the meantime, hang yoghurt in a muslin cloth for 15 minutes to drain the excess liquid.

4. Sprinkle lemon juice on the apples and mix thoroughly.

5. Chop walnuts but do reserve a few to garnish.

6. Mix chicken, apples, pineapple, chopped walnuts and celery in a bowl.

7. Add yoghurt, salt and white pepper powder to taste.

8. Spread lettuce leaves on a serving dish.

9. Arrange the salad on these lettuce leaves.

10. Garnish the salad with the whole walnut kernels.

11. Enjoy!


