Japanese Meatballs In Sweet Soy Sauce (Niku Dango)

Japanese Meatballs In Sweet Soy Sauce (Niku Dango)

1. Mix together all the ingredients for the meatballs in a bowl. Knead the mixture until the ingredients are well combined. The beaten egg should give a stickiness to the rest of the mixture, holding it together.

2. Take a small amount of the mixture -slightly less than a tablespoon) in your hand and mould it into a ball. Continue until the meatball mixture is used up.

3. Fill a pan about one-third full of cooking oil. Heat oil to 350ºF and deep fry the meatballs until brown, about 5 minute (Turn meatballs halfway to ensure they are browned evenly.).

4. Remove meatballs to plate lined with absorbent paper, to drain off excess oil.

5. Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in a pan. Mix them together over a low heat, stirring until the sauce has thickened.

6. Add the meatballs to the pan and roll them around in the pan until they are all covered with the sauce.

7. Pour the meatballs with sauce onto a serving plate and serve!


