Meat Curry (Bobotie)

Meat Curry (Bobotie)

1. Mince the meat finely. Soak the bread in the milk, beat the lumps out with a fork and drain off any surplus milk.

2. Fry the onions and apple in the butter; add the curry powder, sugar, a little salt, almonds, raisins and 1 well- beaten egg, them the meat.

3. Mix well, stirring over the heat for a few minutes, then put into a well-buttered dish.

4. Beat the second egg;add the rest of the milk strained off the bread, which should not be less than a quarter of a pint.

5. Add salt and pepper to taste and pour over the mixture, then bake gently in a 350* oven until the custard is set.

6. The same mixture put into an open short crust flan and served cold, makes an excellent picnic dish.


