Old-Fashioned Dutch Apple Pie (Brown Paper Sack Method)

Old-Fashioned Dutch Apple Pie (Brown Paper Sack Method)

1. Arrange sliced apples in pie shell.

2. In mixing bowl, combine sugars, salt and spices.

3. Blend in cream.

4. Pour over apples and dot top with butter.

5. Bake in a preheated 450 oven for for 15 minutes.

6. Remove pie, and slip it into a brown paper grocery sack.

7. Fold over the ends of the sack to close.

8. Slide pie back into oven and reduce heat to 350.

9. Bake 20 minutes.

10. Remove pie from oven, remove sack, and bake pie an additional 10-15 minutes til crust is golden brown and apples are bubbling hot.

11. *The paper sack keeps the open-faced apple pie from drying out.

12. Cool til warm, serve with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream! :).


