Spaghetti And Beetroot With Goats Cheese.

Spaghetti And Beetroot With Goats Cheese.

1. Boil the beetroot for 15-20 mins until tender and skins rub off easily (remember to wear gloves!).

2. Grate the beetroot or process until shredded.

3. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion and garlic until soft.

4. Break the spaghetti into smaller pieces and add to the pan, frying until golden.

5. Stir in the stock, bring to the boil and add the beetroot.

6. Cook for ten minutes until the spaghetti is soft and the sauce is creamy. Add more stock if neccesary.

7. At this point,taste and season. Sometimes I add a splash of balsamic to lift the flavour of the beetroot and a smattering of dried rosemary or thyme.

8. Stir in half the goats cheese, and serve with rest on top.

9. NB- I have done this with mozzerella which seemed to work for me.


