Spinach, Avocado &Amp; Mango Salad

Spinach, Avocado &Amp; Mango Salad

1. Wash, pick over and dry the spinach.

2. Wash, dry and tear up the radicchio.

3. Wash and slice the radishes.

4. Peel and slice the mango and avocado.

5. (Actually it is easiest to cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, and lift out'slices' with a flattish spoon.) Mix the spinach, radicchio, sliced radishes, peeled and sliced avocado, and peeled and sliced mango.

6. Whisk together, or shake in a jar, the orange juice, mustard, salt, pepper and oil.

7. Toss gently into the salad.


