Thai Vegan Coconut Ice Cream

Thai Vegan Coconut Ice Cream

1. Stir the arrowroot into 1/2 cup of cold coconut milk.

2. Heat the rest of the coconut milk, agave and salt in a saucepan until well combined. Just about a minute.

3. Stir in the arrowroot mixture and stir on medium/low heat until thickened – about 5 minutes.

4. Stir in the coconut essence and shredded coconut and allow to cool.

5. Transfer to a bowl and chill in the fridge for at least a few hours (overnight is preferable) until really cold.

6. Process in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

7. Place in the freezer to solidify and serve serve garnished with nuts and toasted coconut flakes IF it makes it that far! YUM!

8. If the consistency gets really grainy – place in your blender and pulse quickly before serving to cream it up a bit.


