The Original Ranch Porkey Patty #Rsc

The Original Ranch Porkey Patty #Rsc

1. In a large bowl, combine the ground meat, 1 egg, milk, shallots, half of the bread crumbs and half of the seasoning packet (about 1 T.).

2. Form six porkey patties and place onto a large lightly greased nonstick skillet. Singe on medium to high heat for 2 minutes on each side. Turn off heat and let patties cool.

3. Meanwhile in a shallow bowl, combine the remaining dry ingredients to make the breadcrumb mixture, and in another bowl beat the remaining egg.

4. Completely coat the cooled patties in the egg then in the breadcrumb mixture and place them on a greased baking sheet.

5. Bake the patties at 425 for 15 minutes, or until center is no longer pink. Top the porkey patties with provolone cheese the last 2 minutes of baking.

6. I recommend serving on a whole wheat hamburger bun with mayo, lettuce, and sliced tomato. Enjoy!


