026: Villain to Mentor - Becoming the Person your Teen Turns to Instead of Fights Against

Get all the links we mentioned here: https://kidscookrealfood.com/mentoring-teens/

Youve heard people say it

You may have said something similar yourself

Its a negative judgment on teens, especially parenting teens.

Oh, just look out for when theyre teenagers!

Teens are just moodyjust confrontationaljust tough to parent.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Ive said it too, and I feel regret!

Turns out, most of the time, I puffy-heart-love parenting teens.

Theyre spectacular! Theyre inquisitive! Theyre deep thinkers!

And theyre a joy to be around.

Parenting teens is not without its challenges, but what in life is?

Joey Mascio has been an actor and a middle school teacher, not much difference there. :)

Today he joins us to inspire us to be our teens' mentors, not a villain, and I know your mind will be challenged (in a good way). We discuss:

* Why parents and teens have such trouble understanding each other (spoiler: its not the teens fault)
* Whether parenting was more difficult for our parents or now, and one (reversible) reason WHY thats so
* The way youll talk to your teen once you start thinking about your teen the right way
* Why teens have trouble starting conversations
* The 3 things teens NEED to be successful (and how parents can use those elements to do better at our job and build our teens' confidence)
* How teens can go from a sidekick mentality to a hero mentality
* The importance of failure and telling our own imperfect stories

I feel like that only scratches the surface - if youre a parent of a teen or will be someday, get the foundations right with the strategies in this interview!

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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