179: How Connecting with Our Kids & Brain Science Makes us Better Parents with Jennifer Kolari

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When you yell at your kids, it always works to improve their behavior and your relationship, right?


But whats a parent at the end of their rope to do?

My guest today, Jennifer Kolari, has worked with some of the toughest, most challenge kids out there, and she has the answer: love them. Connect with them. Use the CALM technique so that your kids can truly learn better behavior in a safe environment.

We talk about:

- An interesting thing parents are actually the substitute for, at least until our kids turn 25 or so
- The antidote to addiction - wow, all parents need this!
- How the neurobiology of love helps us understand the importance of building kids' brains (and what tools to use in the building)
- Why kids overreact and give us grief
- A reallllly cool technique about how our faces should look when interacting with an emotional child (or, for that matter, spouse, co-worked, ETC!) I keep using this part of the CALM technique with great results!
- What every teenager wants and what their job is in terms of development (this will help you parent your teen so much more effectively)
- What routines to include, and more importantly, NOT include, at mealtimes

This is one of our longer interviews because Jennifer has SUCH great information and stories, I couldnt bear to hit stop on the recording but thats why we create skim notes for you to get the gist and hop to the sections you want to hear most, in case you dont have time to listen to/watch the whole interview.

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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