187: What Your Fatigue Might be Telling You About Your Adrenals with Dr. Izabella Wentz

All the links we mentioned can be found here: https://kidscookrealfood.com/fatigue-and-your-adrenals/

It turns out that (surprise surprise!) our bodies are ALL connected.

The thyroid and the adrenals have some interesting relationships, and in todays show The Thyroid Pharmacist Dr. Izabella Wentz sits down with me to talk about fatigue, why parents shouldnt expect to be tired all the time, and what we can do to optimize energy when we cant get rid of all the stressful things in life.

Youll learn:

Why so many women have thyroid, adrenal, and autoimmune issues

What is normal about our bodies vs what is common

What safety signals mean and how theyre so important to our bodys sense of health and healing

How time of day may dictate what types of food your body needs

Dr. Izabellas very favorite supplement for fatigue

The vitamins and mineral that stress burns the most and how to supplement that back in so you feel better

I keep learning about adrenal fatigue and trying to take steps to alleviate my own. In fact, the day we filmed this interview, I took Dr. Izabellas advice immediately and did her first step that very night!

Shes got a brand new book publishing TODAY about adrenal health and a transformative protocol she developed thats helped thousands of people. Grab your copy today! https://amzn.to/3LOUQp6

(As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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