198: Improving Self-Esteem in Highly Sensitive and Anxious Kids Rachel Bailey

Get all the links we referenced here: https://kidscookrealfood.com/improving-self-esteem/

Weve talked before about highly sensitive children (and adults) here, and I knew I wanted more resources from more experts on the topic.

I was thrilled to discover the work of Rachel Bailey, a clinical psychologist who mentors parents and helps them raise resilient, confident children while reducing the stress and guilt in the parents' lives.


Rachel and I hit it off right away, and she packed a TON of information into our interview. Get ready for lightbulb moments and lots of learning!

Youll hear:

* How big emotions affect our kids, especially HSCs
* The 2 causes of self-esteem
* Why really SEEing our kids is the first step to helping them build higher self-esteem
* The great benefit to teaching kids to cook (yesss! I felt so validated that Rachel said what Ive been saying for years, but with a deeper research background)
* What kids need to be able to self-advocate and how parents can help them build those 2 skills!!
* Why coping skills arent enough
* The root of true resilience
* A new lens through which we should look at our kids' behavior
* Rachels toolbox terms - phrases you can just remember and reuse! - for big emotion situations with your kids
* A really cool discussion on why parenting tweens and teens is different (and practical techniques for bridging that gap)

All of our kids need their parents to help them build healthy self-esteem, especially our highly sensitive, big emotion kids.

If you have one, you know it.

If you dont have one - these techniques are still golden. :)

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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