2:45 a.m. Raw Food Binge

It's 2:45 a.m. - What's a raw foodist to binge on?

I'm asked all the time to talk more about eating a raw food diet. What do I eat? When do I eat it? How does my food integrate with my lifestyle?

I'm somewhat resistant to these videos because I tend to me more intrigued with examining the science underlying a good diet and nutritional thriving, and I've covered a lot of those practical elements in Raw Food Weight Loss And Vitality: http://www.raw-food-health.net/Raw-Food-Weight-Loss-And-Vitality.html already.

But I thought last night was a perfect opportunity to give you a real life view of what my eating life is like.

Let me set the stage:

It's 3:45 a.m. I've just spend more than six hours playing like the dickens at the weekly Austin Acro Jam. I'm out of fuel, my muscles are shot, and I'm about to drop from exhaustion.

Do I head to the 24-hour Mcdonald's? A little foray to the Chinese Buffet, perhaps?

Find how what I eat in this video.
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