200lbs RAW FOOD WEIGHT LOSS !! Dave the Raw Food Trucker VIDEO #12

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VIDEO #12 of my weekly chats w/ my friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker! Today he talks COLONICS ;)

For those new to this series, check out preceding videos here http://bit.ly/Hfc1X & this quick backgrounder on Dave's amazing story of natural healing!:
My friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker tells his story of how he came from the brink of death to heal himself of several diseases including colon cancer, type II diabetes & kidney disease, all via the consumption of raw foods. Not to mention his amazing weight loss of over 200 pounds over the last 18 months, and he's not stopping there. He's going to go ALL the way with his health, and wants YOU too as well. This guy is a TRUE SUPERHERO!!

*****VIDEO #12 UPDATE*****
This week, Dave talks about how his latest colonic must have *really* gotten his colon clean, as it literally transformed his body & his face overnight. He lost almost 2 inches from his waist. His face got thinner, and literally began to glow so much that literally about 30 people he knows all came up to him separately to tell him that he looked particularity great, that he looked thinner, that he looked more toned and/or something about him looked "different."

SO...needless to say, Dave recommends colonics! Yeah, there may be those who think it has no benefit or that it is bad for you, but that hasn't been the experience of people like Dave. They can be especially helpful during a period of deep cleansing and/or when you are on an extended juice feast or fast. For those who say it is "unnatural," is going to the dentist natural?

So it's now official...Dave has crossed the 200 pound threshold and has lost 203 pounds since he began this journey about one and a half years ago! Dave says he feels like he's living on the life force! Just 18 short months ago he was literally dying, and now he feels better than ever!

Dave says that all the radical changes in his health and his weight started to happen when he took out all the animal products like meat, cheese and dairy...and how he personally believes that there IS no 'healthy' version of animal products (other than if you've been lost in a forest for a few months and are very hungry, of course!)

So back to colonics...instead of trying to decide who to listen to, regarding their possible benefits or drawbacks, why not just go out and find yourself a qualified colon therapist and then let your own body be the judge? Dave suggests that you simply listen to your body, and find what works for you!

So what do YOU think?

Make some comments and let us know!


Dan & Dave

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