203: Don't Have "the Talk" with Your Girls - How Fertility Empowers Pre-Teens and Beyond

Ladies, how many of your friends have some sort of issue that has to do with hormones (rhetorical question)? Thyroid, infertility, estrogen dominance, acne, mood swings, migraines, painful periods, rough peri or actual menopause, etc.?

If our girls can understand the natural cycles of their bodies and the purpose of feminine hormones early on, theyll be less likely to choose band-aid solutions and more likely to feel empowered by their own bodies instead of being confused.

The ladies from Natural Womanhood joined me today for my first 2-person interview for the show, and we dug into so much!

* What was missing from our own fertility education (spoiler: just about everything!) and why things can get better for our daughters
* The deficit in having The Talk and the better alternative
* The power of understanding our bodies (even being able to predict when a girls FIRST period might come! For real!!)
* Positive messages girls need to combat what the culture is saying
* How the contraceptive Pill originated and why its so often used off-label in the present
* How to explain the purpose of our cycles while building a healthy mom-daughter bond

And so much more! I loved the stories both women shared, and I know every mom listening will have one or more lightbulb moments.

Learn more about the Mothers of Pre-Teens educational program here: https://naturalwomanhood.org/mothers-of-pre-teens-online-course/

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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