3 south indian breakfast with schezwan chutney | schezwan dosa | schezwan idli | schezwan uttapam | Hebbar | Hebbars Kitchen

full recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/chings-schezwan-chutney-recipes/

Music: http://www.hooksounds.com/

full recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/chings-schezwan-chutney-recipes/

Music: http://www.hooksounds.com/

chings schezwan chutney recipes | 3 south indian breakfast with schezwan sauce - with detailed photo and video recipe. a collection of south indian breakfast recipes prepared with indo chinese twist. basically a unique way of preparing the dosa and idli recipes with a topping of spicy and flavoured schezwan sauce. these recipes are not just limited to morning breakfast and can be consumed as an evening snack.
chings schezwan chutney recipes | 3 south indian breakfast with schezwan sauce - with step by step photo and video recipe. generally, schezwan chutney is mainly served as condiment or side dish to snack or perhaps as a sauce to indo chinese recipes. but it can also be used as a topping to many south indian breakfast recipes too. in this post, i have used it for schezwan dosa, schezwan uttapam and schezwan idli.
Cuisine - Indo Chinese
Course - Breakfast
Dish - Breakfast
Prep Time - 5 mins
Cook Time - 10 mins
Total Time - 15 mins
Servings - 4
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