3-Step New Orleans Baked Chicken Wings 三步做新奥尔良烤翅

This recipe is based on is the popular New Orleans Roasted Chicken offered in KFCs in China.

KFC gained a huge success in China by localizing its menus. New Orleans Roasted Chicken Wings is a great example. Even though the name suggests it has something to do with New Orleans, you actually can’t find them in New Orleans and it is made with mostly Chinese Spices.

It is great party food, easy to make and has an amazing taste. You will impress your guests with three simple steps. So why don't you give it a try?

Enjoy the Games and the Summer weather!

1. Some chicken wings
2. Some honey
3. Some marinade powder:
2 tablespoons of Chili Powder
1 tablespoon of Garlic Powder
1 tablespoon of Onion Powder
1 teaspoon of Sichuan Pepper Powder
1 teaspoon of Ginger Powder
1 teaspoon of Black Pepper Powder
1 tablespoon of Sugar and
1 tablespoon of Salt

Table of Contents:
0:00 Introduction
1:16 Step 1: Ingredients
2:10 Step 2: Marinate
2:26 Step 3: Bake

I'm eating fried chicken in People's Square -- A Si
我在人民广场吃炸鸡 -- 阿肆

The song is composed and sung by the Shanghainese indie pop artist 阿肆 A Si. The song describes a day-to-day story happened in People's Square in Shanghai that a girl was eating fried chicken and waiting for a boy, who eventually didn't show up. It is a typical Chinese Indie Pop/Folk Music, which is reaching broader audience and obtaining increasing popularities in China.

Follow A Si here:

All the pictures capturing those delicious braised chicken wings credit to their owners.
All the pictures featuring KFC and its menus belong to KFC.

This is not a sponsored video.

#chickenwings #鸡翅 #WithMe #cny #年夜饭 #chinesenewyear #chinesenewyeareve #chinesenewyearevedinner
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