4 Instant recipes with MILKMAID -Qubani Ka Kheer -Shahi tukda -Kulfi-coconut Laddoo- Nestlé MILKMAID | Vahchef - VahRehVah

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Recipes with Nestlé MILKMAID
#holi #festival #sweets #Milkmaid
Kubani Ka Kheer*

Nestlé MILKMAID - 200g
Dried Apricots - 200g
Milk - 500ml
Cashew nuts - 1 tb spn
Almonds - 1 tb spn
Cardamom powder - pinch
Agar Agar - 1 tsp

In a bowl add dried apricots and water soak them overnight.
Now add the apricots along with water to a pan and boil them till the apricots are soft.
Deseed the apricots and add them to a blender, add bloomed agar agar or gelatine and make it into fine purée.
Transfer this purée into a plate and let it set for 2-3 hours in a refrigerator.
In a pan add 500ml of milk, bring it to a boil. Then add 200g Nestle Milkmaid, choice of dry fruits.add pinch of cardamom powder.And let it cool completely.
Cut the apricot mixture into thin vermicelli and add it to milk mixture.
Serve it chilled with dry fruits garnish.

*Kesar Badam Kulfi *

Nestlé MILKMAID - 200g
Milk - 500ml
Kesar - Pinch
Almonds sliced - 1 tb spn
Kulfi Moulds


In a pan add 500ml, reduce it to 50%. Then add 1 tb spn of sliced almonds, pinch of kesar, 200g of Nestle Milkmaid and bring it to a boil. Switch off the flame and let it cool completely. Now add this mixture to Kulfi Moulds and freeze it for 4-5 hours. Enjoy it

*Shahi Tukda*

Nestlé MILKMAID - 200g
Bread Slices - 4
Ghee - 1 tb spn
Milk - 200ml
Almonds- 1 tb spn
Silver vark- optional
Rose petals
Cardamom powder- pinch

Take 4 bread slices and trim out the edges. Cut them into triangles as shown.
In a pan add 1 tb spn of Ghee and fry the bread pieces till golden brown on both sides.
In the same pan add 200 ml of milk and 200ml of Nestle Milkmaid , bring it to a boil and switch off the flame.
Arrange the Fried Bread Pieces in a plate, pour the nestle milkmaid mixture on top of the bread slices.
Garnish it with almond slices, silver vark, rose petals and some cardamom powder.
Serve it Hot / Chilled

*Coconut- Rawa Ladoo*

Nestlé MILKMAID - 200g
Semolina/ Sooji / Rawa - 1 cup
Desiccated Coconut Powder - 1 cup
Ghee - 2 tb spn
Cashew Nuts - few
Milk - 2 tb spn


In a pan add 2 tb spns of Ghee, fry the Cashew nuts in ghee, remove them and keep aside.
In the same Ghee Add 1 cup of Semolina/ Sooji/ Rawa and slowly roast it on low flame for 4-5 minutes. Then add 1 cup Desiccated Coconut powder and roast it also.
Then add 200g of Nestle Milkmaid and 2tb spn of Milk and cook it till forms into firm ball. Switch off the flame. Now Grease your hands with Ghee and make the Coconut Ladoos with attaching Cashew nuts. Finally roll them in coconut powder and serve them.
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