आम्रखंड कनोली | Aamrakhand Cannoli | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

A firangi twist to our beloved aamrakhand! Sweet, delicious and creamy aamrakhand stuffing inside crunchy cannoli!



1 ripe mango, peeled and roughly chopped
1 cup hung yogurt
4 spring roll sheets (6’ x 6”)
½ cup powdered sugar
½ tsp green cardamom powder
A pinch of saffron strands
Oil for deep frying
Melted dark chocolate as required
Finely chopped pistachioss


1. Put the mango into a blender jar and blend to a fine paste. Transfer into a bowl. Add hung yogurt, powdered sugar and green cardamom powder and mix till well combined. Add saffron strands and mix well. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
2. Take 2 spring roll sheets and cut them into 4 equal squares. Similar repeat the same with remaining spring roll sheets as well.
3. To make cannoli, take a spring roll quarter and roll it over a cannoli mould and seal with water.
4. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. Add the cannolis along with the mould and deep fry on medium heat till light golden and crisp. Drain on an absorbent paper. Allow to cool slightly, carefully demould the cannoli.
5. Dip both the corners into melted dark chocolate and dip in chopped pistachios. Keep aside to set completely.
6. Take the aamrakhand in a piping bag fitted with star nozzle. Pipe out the mixture into the prepared cannoli. Arrange on a serving plate. Serve.

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Best cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware.
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