Aaron's China Guide E76 - 大盘鸡 - Big plate of Chicken | Aaron Sawich

You must try big plate of chicken if you come to China and love chicken. Aaron's China Guide will show you food from Xinjiang province. The food there is like a cross between Chinese food and Turkish food. Their signature dish is the da pan ji 大盘鸡 which translates to big plate chicken. There are big chunks of chicken, long flat noodles, potatoes, and green peppers. The flavor of da pan ji chicken is delicious and a bit spicy as well. We also try some Xinjiang bread, Xinjiang noodles, and lamb skewers 羊肉串 . Make sure to try da pan ji chicken. Maybe in the future, I will try to make a Chinese cooking video about a da pan ji recipe. I hope you enjoy my Chinese food eating videos.

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