ABRUZZO ITALY - Santo Stefano di Sessanio & Wild Opera Concert | Vincenzo's Plate

Day 6: Italy Unexplored
Medieval town of Santo Stefano Di Sessanio, Rocca Calascio

It was time to depart Pescara after 5 nights in the beachside city.

Today the theme was medieval as we travelled toward the mountain, and into a fresher climate. Our base? A ghost town which has been transformed into a tourist gem, Santo Stefano Di Sessanio is a hotel created among restored buildings in the town where the experience, and our stay is intended go replicate what life once was...but with a few extra amenities!

Our lunch is had in a "Cantinone" a pub restored to its original form dating back hundreds of years ago and we eat rustic, hearty dishes such as lentil broth and lamb, all good for the soul.

As we step back in time our guests are encouraged to take in the experience, and appreciate that they are reliving a moment in the past, and to imagine how life once was.

After a short break to relax and recharge in rooms which are spread all over the town - each one with its unique layout, name and very old-fashioned key, we set off for a little dream experience.

Rocca Calascio, a fortress atop a mountain perched 1460m high is in a word, incredible. We make our journey toward it and while the climb up is a little tricky, most make it to the very top for a view which is unsurpassed.

Upon arriving back to the bottom, picnic rugs are set up and Prosecco is served along with wine, so that everyone can take in the beauty of where they are. Views of the mountains are 360, and the National-Geographic listed castle is sitting in the corner, in full view as a backdrop to a live soprano, and a saxophone and piano accordion player who fight some wind to create a remarkable experience and live music performance, exclusively for the group.

With emotions running high, photos are snapped and the journey is made back to Santo Stefano. Some opt for an early night while others head back to the pub for a night cap, in a town somewhat mysterious and almost silent..

Join our Italy Unexplored Tour: https://www.vincenzosplate.com/italian-tour/

#santostefanodisessanio #opera #roccacalascio


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