Achari (Pickled) Chicken By Seema | India Food Network

When you want more than just chicken, rich with the flavours of a spicy pickle, with it's tang and zing, you'll make Achari (pickled) chicken, by Seema.

• 800 gm or a whole chicken
• 400 gm yogurt
• 3 onions sliced
• 2 tomatoes cut finely
For masala:
• 2-3 bay leaves
• 3 heaped tbsp of ginger-garlic paste
• 2 tsp kalonji or blackseeds
• 3 heaped tbsp saunf or fennel seeds
• 2 tsp methi seeds or fenugreek
• 2-3 cut red chillies
• 1 ½ tsp salt
• 1 ½ tsp red chilli powder
• 2 tbsp ghee or clarified butter

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