African smoked fish soup - African Food Recipes
This is a fast ,easy and delicious smoke fish recipe.In some African countries we really like hot and spicy dishes ,this recipe is one of guinean favorite recipes.smoked fish soup cook with palm oil, tomato, tomato paste and more.serve with rice.


2 smoked fish

2 fresh tomato, mashed

1 TBS of concentrated tomato

4 small pieces of pumpkin (optional)

2 chicken seasoning (or Maggi)

3 fresh Chili (optinal but recomemended)

1/2 TBS black pepper

1 big onion, sliced

2 gloves of garlic, chopped

4 small pieces of carotte

4 pieces of potato

100ml of palm oil or peanut oil


600ml of water

Try this recipe and you are guarante to love it.
you can smoke your own fish and than prepare it .that even nicer.

recette de poisson fume d origine guineenne,pigmente mais delicieux,facile a preparer et se mange avec du riz
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