All About Turkish Coffee! By Aysenur Altan

All about Turkish Coffee! How coffee was found? How it came to Turkey and Europe? The best cezve (ibrik) to make coffee. The difference between Turkish coffee. Is it possible to make Turkish coffee with Arabica coffee beans? Turkish coffee mug "fincan" and how to choose? Ceremonies, stories, and more...
Here are the video timings:
00:47 How coffee beans were discovered?
01:43 How coffee came to Turkey?
02:21 How coffee went to Europe and Austria?
03:21 Difference of Turkish Coffee with other types
03:58 Utensils: Cevze
05:07 Turkish mug "Fincan"
05:51 Why do we serve water with Turkish coffee?
06:22 What do we serve with Turkish coffee?
07:09 Making Turkish Coffee More details here:
07:47 How to drink Turkish coffee?
08:18 Wedding ceremonies: Asking for girls hand
09:12 Is Turkish coffee bitter in taste? How to order Turkish coffee?

The History Of Coffee:
The Turkish coffee was discovered in the Kaffa region of southern Ethiopia in the early 14th century.
The first written record of coffee made from roasted coffee beans comes from Arab scholars, who wrote that it was useful in prolonging their working hours.
Watchful Arab master of goats named Khalid noticed As his goats grazed on the Ethiopian slopes, they had become lively and excited after eating a particular berry. Instead of just eating the berries they were taken and boiled to create al-qahwa.
This special flavor was prepared by boiling coffee fruits when it was first found. Later, the coffee beans were roasted and grounded. This innovative way of making a brew from roasted beans spread first among the Egyptians and Turks, and later on, found its way around the world.
How Coffee beans came to TURKEY
zdemir Pasha, who served as governor in Yemen in 1517, tasted this coffee and brought it to Istanbul. The first coffee house opened in Tahtakale and spread to all over Istanbul in a short time.
European were introduced to coffee through Turks.
European travelers to the Near East brought back stories of an unusual dark black beverage. By the 17th century, coffee had made its way to Europe and was becoming popular across the continent.
The place of coffee in Turkish culture is quite different. Even the word "breakfast" KAHVALTI means something eaten before coffee.
if the guest drinks the coffee first it means he is full and if he drinks the water first it means he is hungry. However, the real reason is to wash off the flavor of a meal recently consumed in order to fully taste the flavor of the coffee.
The number one feature of a ceremony for asking a girls hand in marriage is serving the groom salty Turkish coffee. Although there are many tales about this, in fact, in the past women would serve salty coffee to the men they do not like, and as the opposite, coffee with plenty of sugar to those they do like. Thus the groom candidate finds out the thoughts of the girl. :)
In Austria When the Ottoman armies retreated from the Siege of Vienna in 1683, they left behind sacks full of coffee. The Austrians assumed that it was animal fodder. George Kolschitzky, who knew the Ottomans, asked for these coffee beans to be given to him and used these to open a first coffee house in Vienna and introduced coffee
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