Amasi Ultra Mel Scones

Christinah treated her bestie to these delicious scones, made extra special with SAs fav custard


Makes: 6-8
Hands-on time: 15 minutes
Hands-off time: 15 minutes


2 cups self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting
1 tbsp icing sugar
50g butter, cubed and chilled
cup Ultra Mel Custard Flavoured Dessert
cup Inkomazi Medium Cream Maas, plus extra for brushing

Custard cream:
cup cream
cup Ultra Mel Custard Flavoured Dessert

Serving suggestion:
Berry jam, of choice


1. Preheat the oven to 180C on fan-assist and line a baking tray with baking paper.

To make the scones:
2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the flour and icing sugar together. Add the butter and use your fingertips to rub it into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

3. Create a well in the center of the flour and add the Ultra Mel Custard Flavoured Dessert and Inkomazi Medium Cream Maas. Gently mix with a spoon until a rough dough has formed, ensuring to not overmix. *Chefs Tip: Add 1-2 tablespoons of extra maas if the dough is too dry.

4. Transfer the dough to a floured surface and shape the dough into a rectangle, about 2-3cm thick. *Chefs Tip: Avoid overworking the dough to ensure the scones are fluffy & tender!

5. Using a 6cm cookie cutter or glass of a similar size, cut 6-8 scones out of the dough. Place each scone on the prepared baking tray and brush with extra maas. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.
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