Amazing Korean Barbecue in Seoul (새마을식당) | Mark Wiens

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One of the joys of visiting South Korea is its wonderful tasting food. Restaurants are everywhere to be seen and serve up a crazy amount of tantalizing eats. One thing that really impressed me was the vast amount of food advertisements - literally every restaurant in Seoul has tantalizing food photos on the window to lure you in!

Korean barbecue is not only amazing and delicious, it's also a lot of fun as you get to cook all your meat on a grill right before you nose!

The bbq grill is made with hot coals and a griddle is placed on top. Luckily, there's a sucking fan that sucks up all the smoke so you don't get too smokey.

You basically order your cut of fresh meat, grill is right on your own table and assemble your own Korean wraps of meat that consist of lettuce leaves, garlic, chillies, chili paste, kimchi and of course the grilled meat.

This meal was eaten at the New Village Korean Barbecue restaurant (새마을식당) in Seoul, South Korea. While bulgogi is normally made with beef, at New Village their signature dish is the pork bulgogi - better known as Daeji Bulgogi (불고기).

Eating Korean barbecue is a meat lovers' dream come true, truly one of the most rewarding and satisfying things you could possibly do when you visit South Korea!
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