Amiel Makes Doughnut Bread Pudding From the Home Kitchen Bon Apptit

Join Amiel Stanek in his home kitchen as he makes doughnut bread pudding. This recipe is a great way to use up stale doughnuts, but if youve got freshly made ones, that works too. Start with classic glazed or sugar-coated yeasted doughnuts, which have a light and airy texture, rather than cake doughnuts, which are dense and will turn to mush when combined with the custard. The bread pudding will puff heroically near the end of its baking time, like a souffl, but fall shortly after it comes out of the oven; dont worry, its supposed to do that! The final texture is somewhere between an eggy bread pudding and a clafoutis, and its pretty hard to stop eating.
Check out the recipe here:

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Amiel Makes Doughnut Bread Pudding | From the Home Kitchen | Bon Apptit
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