Apple and Lettuce Salad with Melon Dressing (Fibre and Vitamin Rich) by Tarla Dalal

Apple and Lettuce Salad with Melon Dressing, a low cal salad especially for weight watchers!

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Apple and Lettuce Salad with Melon Dressing

The best way to replenish our body’s water and electrolyte needs is through fresh servings of fruits and vegetables. These vegetable also give a dose of vitamins mainly vitam A and C, and the addition of bean sprouts give protein. This recipe calls for a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables tossed together in a refreshing musk melon dressing. Very healthy, extremely enjoyable!

Preparation Time: 15 minutes.
Cooking Time: Nil.
Serves 4.

½ cup apple cubes
1 cup iceberg lettuce, torn into pieces
½ cup shredded cabbage
¼ cup thickly grated carrot
¼ cup coloured capsicum cubes (red and yellow)
½ cup bean sprouts
¼ cup green grapes
1 tsp lemon juice
Salt to taste

To be blended together into a melon dressing
½ cup muskmelon (kharbooja) purée
½ tsp roasted and crushed cumin seeds (jeera)
¼ cup chopped coriander (dhania)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper (kalimirch) to taste

Combine all the ingredients along with the dressing in deep bowl and toss well.
Serve immediately.

Nutritive values per serving
Energy: 48 kcal
Protein: 2.0 gm
Carbohydrate: 9.3 gm
Invisible fat: 0.1 gm
Fibre: 1.5 gm
Vitamin A: 340.9 mcg
Vitamin C: 31.1 mg
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